Monday 7 June 2010

Panic Day

This morning I was so excited because I'm going for a field trip at D-Paradise Melaka.

I quickly drank my Milo, ate 2 pieces of garlic toast, changed into my long sleeve and long pants, put on Mosquito repellant, and got ready to go.

As we hurried to the car park and into the car, suddenly my mom found that her car cannot start. She tried a few still wouldn't start.

Oh No! What are we suppose to do? Can't call the taxi , it might take too long time.
So mom called the teacher and she quickly send someone to pick me up.

I waited at the bus-stop for about 5 minutes before a proton saga showed up.

That's me the one in red shirt. Hopefully, the day will turn out all right despite a bad start.

What a relief!

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